Business Personal Property Taxation
What is personal property? All property that is not characterized or taxed as “real estate” or “real property” is considered to be a PERSONAL PROPERTY. Business personal property includes everything from pens and other small items to computers and manufacturing equipment. It is available whether it is claimed, rented, leased, lent, or in any case made available to the business. Who Must File A Business Personal Property Listing? Everyone who owns equipment used in a business must complete a personal property listing by April 30 each year. The listing must include a description of the equipment, its cost, and the acquisition year. The completion of a listing is required of all individuals, partnerships, corporations and associations who on January 1 own, control or possess any amount of leasehold improvements or personal property (tangible) utilized or held for a business reason. When and Where Does a Business Owner List? The business personal property listing must be filed...